Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Scooter!

Four years ago, right about now, I was waking up and realizing that the 14th would be the day that Scoot would be joining us in the world. So, it seems appropriate that I'm still up getting things ready for his party day... and, that it's a very stormy night — in honor of the little stormbringer.

He wanted a "helicopter-drawing cake," and so here it is, in frozen buttercream transfer. He chose the many colors, and (with the help of his Papa) wants "pineapple cake with pineapple filling." The baking, etc. will have to be done later this morning, or in the afternoon... we'll see. Luckily, he and big sis will be a school for a few hours later today.

Happy Birthday, litttle E! You are my very favorite little fellow in the whole, wide world!
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jkluginbill said...

That is very cool. You are such a talented mama! He's going to love his cake!

led panel said...

very cute!! looks very good!


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