Saturday, April 17, 2010

Well Chuffed...

Both the kids have really gotten into being my sous chefs for any meal prep, and Madeline is well chuffed with her improving knife skills (and the fact that she even gets to use a knife). Last night we made "miso block" (AKA tofu) stir fry, and the kids loved pressing the tofu too.

We threw in, one whole block of extra firm tofu, about 1/2 pound crimini mushrooms, 1/2 a red bell pepper, some brocolli, three small zucchini, and two small baby bok choy. Sesame oil, soy sauce, agave nectar, ginger. Yum. Easy peasy as Jamie Oliver would say.
I think that he'd approve of our "naked" meal served up with brown rice.

Speaking of which, the kids love his new Food Revolution show (ABC 8-9pm and 9-10? it was both this week, Fridays). They already knew of him from my cookbooks (I use his recipes often), but they are hooked now. And why not? He is a charming sweetheart.

Oh, and did Erik actually eat this? Well, of course he did. It was dinner. He ate the rice, miso blocks (tofu), mushrooms, and brocolli. He left the peppers, zuke and bok choy on the plate, and that is fine by me.
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  1. That looks so yummy! Makes me hungry just looking at the pics.

  2. I love having kids help in the kitchen. What a wonderful gift to the child and adult! :)

    And I LOVE Jamie Oliver. He is adorable! I don't have any of his cookbooks, but I've gotten them at the library...I may pick one up soon though!

  3. Jerrie, I kept checking them out at the library, so I finally bought The Naked Chef Takes Off (at Half Price Books), and Jamie's Italy (I got this one off Amazon the year it came out...with birthday money - Happy Birthday to me!). There aren't nearly as many of his books at HPB as say, Rachel Ray or Emeril, Martha, etc. which means people keep them! :o)


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