Monday, October 26, 2009

APPL CIDR DONUTS, Pomegranates, and Grapefruit

Our kids are hilarious. Last night, Erik was insistent that he wanted to eat the "orange" that he'd gotten off the counter. It was a pink grapefruit. I insisted that he probably didn't want to eat the grapefruit. He persisted, so (feeling very sure of the fact that he would spit it out instantly) I cut him a big slice and let him have at it.

"Yum!!! More!! Cute more please, Mama!"

Well, of course he loves grapefruit, right? I hated it until I was in my late twenties because to me it tasted way too bitter (yes, even the pink, and even with sugar). Finally, at a B&B on the Oregon Coast, I had a caramelized sugar-topped grapefruit and it was great. The theory is that the heat messes with the natural sugar in the fruit, reducing the bitterness. Anyway, the boy doesn't take after me on the grapefruit front.
Madeline had no interest in the grapefruit. She was all about the pomegranate I'd gotten out to distract E from the grapefruit. She also had no interest in eating the pom — just in removing the arils from the pulp. All of them. She was laser-focused on this task, and did it quickly and efficiently. It was amazing to watch. We liked the "pomegranate blood" that speckled her little mug.
Today, the torrential downpour kept us indoors, and so we finally attempted the Apple Cider Doughnuts recipe that I found on the Smitten Kitchen blog (one of my favorite sites). These were very tasty, but the recipe made 19, plus a lot of doughnut holes, so we embarked on a doughnut delivery adventure this afternoon. We even left a plate at Joel's office, on his desk, and although he was in a meeting, Madeline left him a note on his white board: APPL CIDR DONUTS with a lovely illustration as well. Hopefully, he'll share them around.

1 comment:

  1. I feel privileged to have been on that delivery route! Thanks!


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