Thursday, January 29, 2009

Double Deckers, and more...

Here it is... my Bento supplies order! The prices at Ichiban Kan are SO excellent. I even got a fun little gift assortment for a good buddy of mine... I think she's going to like it. I got all this stuff for the price of one regular sized or or two kids' Bento boxes from Uwajimaya. Crazy...Also got the Bento boxes with the little bands to hold the double-decker layers in place. Very cool... Madeline even helped pack her lunches this week, and quite enjoyed it. The "green stuff" is spinach souffle (Stouffer's frozen... both kids LOVE it, and hey, it's veggie matter and E will eat it!), and the brown blob-like "bear" is smashed black beans.


  1. This is fantastic!!! I love bento stuff too. It's really hard to get hold of in the UK. I ordered some things from a shop in London this week. Not anywhere near as cheap as your box full.

  2. Very cool. Love those...I want some apples! I may have to go to that site and check out their stuff! :)

  3. How far in advance do you make the lunches, and how do you keep things fresh (i.e., apples... I know lemon juice works over night, but by a couple days they can get brown)

  4. I make her lunch the night before school, and it's in the fridge until it goes off to school with her in her insulated lunch bag, so the fruit even stays fresh.

    And, both my kids LOVE apples so much (and eat them off our tree in season) that they don't bat at eye at browned-up apples anyway.

  5. I see mine right there!!!! I love, love, love, LOVE it! Thank you sososososososo much! :)

    This came at a perfect time! I just got a call today to work ALL next week, full-time. I am so excited now because I am going to have the absolute coolest lunch "box!!!" in the teacher's lounge! Rock on!

    I am thinking cheese and apples for sure...hmmm...LOVE it!

    Thank you! :)

  6. Hooray!! I suspected that you would enjoy and appreciate one. The little bag was too adorable, and all the other "accessories" so fun.

    Happy Bento-ing!


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