Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Treats!

Today, Madeline and I did turkeys again during E's nap. I had stuff to do Pilgrim Hats (from the Family Fun web site), and modified the activity based on an idea I got from another moms' blog. So, here are our turkeys (and fashionable Pilgrim chapeau too).We trimmed the chocolate/vanilla Jet Puff marshmallows with scissors, cut one of the two Keebler cookies in half, and used melted chocolate chips to coat the "body" and glue the tail on. Madeline insisted on wings "... turkeys have wings, Mom. And feet. They need feet too Mom." And, then the Papa bird had to wear the Pilgrim hat, and there needed to be a baby turkey... It was fun. Oh, and we had some orange frosting in the fridge from another project, so Mad added some of her own touches to the turkeys too.

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